
Manuel Pérez-Sala defends the figure of the entrepreneur

The President of the Circulo de Empresarios, Manuel Pérez-Sala, defends the figure of the entrepreneur, their work, and freedom in an open and European society.

The President of the Circulo de Empresarios, Manuel Pérez-Sala, was interviewed by journalist Graciano Palomo in the latest edition of the program 'Territorio Líder' by the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA), where he defended the figure of the entrepreneur, their work, and freedom in an open and European society.

Merit, effort, and capacity for work

According to Pérez-Sala, there are certain values that used to inspire university students in his time and are now relegated to the background in the educational system. He stated, "They are essential for developing the prosperity of the country (…). If we truly believe in social progress, we must promote the figure of the entrepreneur, as it is the freedom alternative, we have to manage society."

"The only way to grow is through initiative, effort, and the entrepreneur embodies the values of liberal democracy—the individual committed to their community, creating wealth and social well-being."

The President of Circulo de Empresarios commented that society is changing, and now citizens "tend to give credit to populist proposals," easy solutions to difficult problems. He believes this stance "implies discrediting the figure of the entrepreneur." He considers this detrimental because "the entrepreneur is the engine of growth and employment in a society."

"Let's strive for collective interest without losing curiosity and enthusiasm for work."

Pérez-Sala points out that there are positions coming from "extreme left-wing environments" that attack entrepreneurs, resulting in a state that only distributes existing wealth and does not allow the creation of new riches: "What we are doing is distributing poverty."

Key messages:

1.    Advocating for General Interests: Pérez-Sala emphasizes the importance of defending the general interests of society from the standpoint of entrepreneurship. Circulo de Empresarios believes that a free country allows entrepreneurs to thrive and contribute to societal prosperity.

2.    Examples of Successful Entrepreneurs: The speaker provides examples of successful entrepreneurs like Amancio Ortega, Juan Roig, and Ferrovial, highlighting their contributions to society and their global presence.

3.    Encouragement for Initiative and Effort: The speaker encourages individuals, especially university students, to take initiative, strive for their goals, and maintain a strong work ethic throughout their lives. They stress the value of effort, determination, and continuous learning.

4.    Promoting Independence and Innovation: The speaker advocates for independence and the importance of contributing to society through innovation, effort, and professional quality rather than depending solely on external entities.

5.    Pursuit of Success: The speaker outlines the key elements of success: ability, effort, and luck, and encourages individuals to strive for success in their professional lives.

6.    Keys for Success: Highlighting the three key elements of success - capacity, effort, and luck. Encouragement to maintain initiative, curiosity, and independence throughout one's life and professional journey.

7.    Encouragement for Students: Encouraging university students to take initiative, be independent, strive for excellence, and contribute to society with their abilities and innovations.

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